Learning activities help students to develop communication skills. For this purpose, we recommend considering three key characteristics:
- Multimodality – Communication multimodality involves the use of more than one tool when sharing an opinion. For example, students can present the work done orally using visual material, including video resources. They can also create blog posts in which they use photos in addition to text. The main objective is to ensure that all the elements used ultimately serve to convey one idea, thought, opinion.
- Argumentation and Substantiation – Presentation of students’ work implies provision of relevant justifications, arguments, facts and examples. For example, if a student makes a prediction of any kind, he or she should also show the audience the logical chain of facts that led to the prediction. If there is any opinion, it should be supported by relevant data, facts and examples.
- Considering Target Audience – Students should plan communication for the appropriate target audiences. They need to determine who are the people they should reach and select the best communication model based on their characteristics. Planning Communication involves defining the instrument, form, content and style. The main task is to make the material presented by the student understandable to the target audience.